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Special Thanks to VeGa Community for their Generous Donation


Greetings to our entire Uremu Project community!

proyecto uremu vega community

We want to take a moment today to express our deepest gratitude to the VeGa Community. This admirable organization has once again demonstrated its commitment to promoting education and culture and building bridges between different communities for collective growth.

We are excited to announce that, thanks to your generosity, our student Marcelo Lanza has received an exceptional donation: a violin. Marcelo has shown impressive talent and passion for music. This instrument will not only enhance his skills but also open doors to countless opportunities in his musical training. We are grateful for your support, which has made this possible.

Learning about VeGa Community has been an inspiring experience. Its vision and mission align perfectly with the values we defend at Proyecto Uremu. Collaboration between communities, organizations and people with a common purpose, such as mutual development and support, is essential to build a brighter future for all.

On behalf of Marcelo, the Proyecto Uremu team and all the students and families who benefit from initiatives like this, we want to say: Thank you, VeGa Community!

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